Wednesday, December 1, 2010

hmong foods!!!!

my fav foods is hmong foods because it one of my culter and i am use to it.hmong foods is good and is healthy to all people all over the world.hmong foods can be found in many place. hmong food is all over the world, it rice meat like pig but hmong kinds of pig not the one that is in the U.S.A. hmong can fine many kinds of foods any where like some are in the grass and on the trees.If you have try one of hmong foods u'll like it like you like your food right now!in hmong place there lots of thing there and big cool place to see and lots of foods to try in thailand where hmong people live. hmong people live in many place and make many kinds of food. in thialand hmong people like to go to the forest to find foods to help their family.they wrok hard to get their food but only food the good one but the not really good one is near them. homng people is one of the poor people that i know but our foods will not go away, will always stay in our mind forever well miss them all!
mailee hang

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