today at school i did robotics and it was very fun. its when you work in a group and you build robots. my favorite things to do is playing football,basketball, favorite subject in school is math and sometimes reading. when i get older i want to play for the Minnesota gophers football team for college. my favorite nfl team is Minnesota vikings. my favorite basketball team is los anglos lakers. my favorite thing to do is playing football. I am going to play for the team called ues bulldogs. if i get to the nfl i want to play for the Minnesota vikings.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
today at school I had Lagos robotics.It was fun,we had to find little pieces and put them was harder then I thought.But i didn't favorite thing is playing football and watching TV(Nikita,gossip girl,hell cats,vampire diaries).my worst sport is playing basketball,i cant shout or pass.My favorite NFL team is Minnesota VIKINGS.i have 2 brothers and 1 sister.when I'm bored i love to go to the youth connection,its really fun.nick
i have a good day i went to coomzoo and i have fun and let me teell you about my life i have a brother and sister i can sleep ican eat ican see ican be funny i can eat lot time i can do lot of thaning so i can do backfall my dad can do too so i have a facebook i like use is i have 1,345,000 fiand so when i go facebook i have picer so if you have facebook i wil add you so juse add me went can be fiand so youtbe to so i put sofl on youtube about so ilke jerk and i see.i like paly .so i he so done you like icee caerm so fi you like icce carenm ilike have a good day i see you next so you have good godwin
chia vang stongest love story by: chia vang and chia her and on guy i dont know him names
one day there was a boy that died in youth connections it name is xeng he die on July 4 he was playing what the fire cracker and the fire cracker flew into his heart. the fire cracker went into his heart and he die on a black cat fire cracker and his head exploded and he was a jerk he die because he was a jerk and chi her die what him. so one day chia vang was bron he was stonger then very one but all the gril love him even the ulgy gril. so one day he whant to help anothers perons what her jod when chia vand fishing his jod the person pay him $500.00 when he got home he gave his monters $500.00 to her os his montheres say thank you son so thay whant to to sleep. the next day chia vang work up and go to take a bath then he whant to school his school names is masters school when he got there he say to all the people "we love grils" all the gril is hot we all them so much and chia vang say his gf is "britney xiong"
the two persons one go up one go down one is masters artix sentorias one is ulgy mirae story by kou vand and chia her and mirae
Once there was a girl name Mirae she meet a lion,tiger and a bear. They are nice to her she was happy to see the lion,tiger and bear. They went to toy land Mirae was so happy to see the toy Mirae saw a train. The train said heehaws Kou came and kick mirae out of toy land she hit the train on his head and she die for one min the kou saw a showdo that come out his dody she call him ulgy mirae. kou ran home when he got there he die there os kou whent up to the sky the god say u likk mirae os u have to go down when he get there all the monsters look at kou and say u are stonger then ours boss os i'oll let u be our king and u can have anthings u whant 4every.Then when mirae go up the god nsay u is an good girl i will let u in my house os i will teach u kug-ful and u will beat kou. Then kou heard that kou say the masters to teack him sentorias+dragon kning+masters artix=masters artix sentorias.
hmong foods!!!!
my fav foods is hmong foods because it one of my culter and i am use to it.hmong foods is good and is healthy to all people all over the world.hmong foods can be found in many place. hmong food is all over the world, it rice meat like pig but hmong kinds of pig not the one that is in the U.S.A. hmong can fine many kinds of foods any where like some are in the grass and on the trees.If you have try one of hmong foods u'll like it like you like your food right now!in hmong place there lots of thing there and big cool place to see and lots of foods to try in thailand where hmong people live. hmong people live in many place and make many kinds of food. in thialand hmong people like to go to the forest to find foods to help their family.they wrok hard to get their food but only food the good one but the not really good one is near them. homng people is one of the poor people that i know but our foods will not go away, will always stay in our mind forever well miss them all!
mailee hang
mailee hang
once up a time there was a boy names sentorias he live in a poor house he have no momeys and food he only eat fish and frog he in in the frost. one day he whent to the pound to fish and catch frog. when he get there he started to fish he wit wit a lon long time the there was a thunder strom then he grap his stuff and ran home but it was a have strom when he amost got there he saw a showd then he ask the show who are u then the shadow go around him os sentorias was scarde and run at fast as he coul'd when he get there he montheres saw what happen then sentorias asnwer i saw a shodow that go aroung then his monthers saw did he go around u 3 time? then sentorias did not tell his monthers then he just whent to bed then he monthere was worry about himos the next moring he awake he whant to wash his face and take a showed when he fished showeing he look at the maride he saw red eye and he saw that he has wing on his back os he go ask his monthere but he momthere was diel! to be contunied story by chia her
Monday, November 15, 2010
wedo the kilers basketball.we play a game.we practice are lay ups.and we pratice are jump shots.and we played 3 on 3.
wowo i had to do this and i was in the middle of an interesting movie so ill get back to my movie now...... bye
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
my face
MY Face
One moring i went to the store and a girl looked at me...
i wondered why is she looking at thing that i was thinking about was maybe she's a drama maker or just got stareing issuie.. As iwent pass her she said what a face.. i got so mad i didn't even notice that my dad and my mom left me.....
So was like skip her.i went out the door and yelled "wait mom i'm still here".
When we got home i went up stair and yelled"why do people have stareing issuie" the next day when she was there she didn't do any thing cause i think her mom told her not to stare at poeple... i think so i'm not sure tho..
Now she learn's her lesson........^_^
One moring i went to the store and a girl looked at me...
i wondered why is she looking at thing that i was thinking about was maybe she's a drama maker or just got stareing issuie.. As iwent pass her she said what a face.. i got so mad i didn't even notice that my dad and my mom left me.....
So was like skip her.i went out the door and yelled "wait mom i'm still here".
When we got home i went up stair and yelled"why do people have stareing issuie" the next day when she was there she didn't do any thing cause i think her mom told her not to stare at poeple... i think so i'm not sure tho..
Now she learn's her lesson........^_^
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
today tardy
I like football alot.I played for UES [upper east side]bulldogs.Are team only won one in the whole season.We were the 6th grade team.At the end of the season all the teams had a bomb fire.They had rock climbing and food and we had to ture in are equipment..IT was a really fun season.
I like a girl in my class. I told the girl in my class that i like her. and the next day she told my friends to till me that she ask me out! And say no in the first time. but she came back and ask me again and i said OK!
the end
the end
Ben ten
Once there, was a little boy name Ben ten he went outside. He saw a watch he tried to touch the watch, the watch stuck to has hand he be came Ben Ten alien.He make a lot of movie vol 1,2,3,4,5,6,and vol 7.
Monday, April 12, 2010
statue of liberty
i like to go to statue of liberty because i want to do their food and want to learn how they live and their place.
Mai joua lor
I like san franciso because i want to try the food.Iwant to buy everthing in the store.
Today I will be bloging about a very important to me because my family lives there and I want to see my family.I can eat lots of food like pizza puffs, Italian beef combo, Chicago style hot dog, catfish, fried mushrooms, fried chicken, and a gyro.People like to wear lots of cool colthes like shoes with a desing on them, belts with different types of buckels on them.One of them most famous people live there like R.kelly and it will be alot of fun when you go there this is my finalpost until next time. 

Monday, February 1, 2010
Tea yang
Monday, January 11, 2010
George washington

One day Obama bring a news newpaper to president george washington and Obama told george to get money Obama. And that new paper is about get new internet and it just $5.00 for each day so george want to do it. George washington play a game in the complder and it take geroge to a jungle that it funny because it has a meat-eater so geroge run unted he saw a lake and there is a officers in the lake. George don't want to go in the lake so george ran away. He meets the presidnt of the unident states and it Obama and george washinton was hungury so he told obama to get a fish at a lake to cook. so Obama do it and they got the fish so they cook it to george washing ate.

One day, the bad police officer was reading the newspaper and Godwin sat down with him. He said, "Deon, do you want to be a good police officer?" And Deon said, "Yes!" So Godwin taught him how to be a good police officer. He taught him how to run fast, how to wave and smile at people and he became the best police officer.
Godwin and Deon became the two best police officers in the United States. Barack Obama let them be the President. And they went on a vacation to get some fish, so they went to the jungle and cooked them.
One day there were two officers named Obama and George Washington that loved money and the internet. They had never been to the United States, but they said they were going to read the newspaper to see what kind fish there are in the jungle so they could be the two top meat- eaters. 


My cousin's dad is a officer at school.
My teacher has lots of money.
I like to look at newspapers a lot.
Obama is our new president.
The United States is where I live.
George Washington is the first president.
I like to go to the internet a lot.
My dad loves to go fishing a lot with my cousin.
My cousin's dog is a meat-eater a lot.
My mom likes to listen to the sound of the jungle a lot.
Some story

One day Prez OBAMA was bored so he counted the all the MONEY in the UNITED STATES and he had some help from the INTERNET. The He told some OFFICERS in Minnesota named GEORGE WASHINGTON to help him count all of the MONEY. The OFFICERS needed help so they put an add out in the NEWSPAPER so that other people could help them. A MEAT-EATING group decied to help them. A FISH helping group also decided to help out too. But htyey lived in the JUNGLE so they hade to mail the data over night and it took 2 years for the data to come in but OBAMA finaly got the information.
the end
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