I live in roosevelt homes, it a very great place. I had lots of friends there. My friends and I, we alway play hmong games.
I usly wish that I was a good girl whose, my mother always wanted, but I always got trouble, 'cause I didn't listen to my parents. My life is always had to take care of my brothers and sisters. I had 4 brothers whose are Danee, David, Suwan, and Jimmy. My sisters named are Lalinna, Melissa, and Salinna plus me, 4. I promiss to my parents that I'll will not make any trouble at school. I was born in Regian hostpital. I live in a beautiful house when I was 5 years old.I came to live here at roosevelt homes when I was 6 or 7 years old.My birthday was 2/19/96. I want my mom to had only me, because my 4 brothers and my 3 sisters always bother me. I don't very like it.I went to Wasington Middle school. There was alots off peoples going there. I had friends there too. I like eating those lunch, it was good and it was the bestest lunch ever? I love going to my web page, and I love to go any games/site I want. I love to go to school to because it always had go things there. After School my teachers called Wings I don't even know why they called that. I love go to wings 'cause there was lots of new friends there. I love to listen to music too.m I love to write alots. My best thing in my life is writing this letter to my self so I could remember that I write this. Bye....

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