Wednesday, January 19, 2011
my love live on steert
One upon a time there was a boy names fatal error. He lived in a nice house hehas an ulgy house in the top of a tree then he fall of and he die then his familky wish he cam back then he came back then . and then his face trund ulgy and then have to go back an die again but his love hader and she want to die with him. then they go love in hell so they con never came back to live again because they where in hell they always stay together in hell there hand always stay togatther forever and ever an ever they came back alive and
sentorias story

One day there was a boy names sentorias. He lived in a poor house in the forest and it is very cold there and he had no food. Then one day he went to hunt for bears,birds,and fish when he got to a forest he saw a flying squirrel. Then he took out his gun and aimed it on the flying squrriel then he shot on the flying squirrel then when he shot the flying squirrel then flying sqiurrel fall off the tree and land it on the ground when he came to pick up the squirrel when he pick it up he large sound. When he look around around he saw a big dragons then the dragon say what are u doing here son!. Then sentorias say "i came here to hunt for animal". Then the dragon say "be gone" then sentorias say "no. Then the dragon say "wherely will" when the dragon open his mounth and gave sentorias a cristal then the dragon say"use the power to gave you gold and a nice house and some halper" and go back now or i will eat you" then sentorias whant back home and he did't trust the dragon then he throwed the clastely in his house when he look at the clastly it trun his house into a nice house and he have some helpre. Then he throw the clasty into the waters then it trun into gold then he whant back to the frost and he say to the dragon " thank you dragon".
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